Moldovan Lawyers' Union
Iustitia est lux mundi – „Justice is the light of the world”
Veritas lux mundi, iustitia fulgor eius – „Truth is the light of the world, and justice is its brightness.”
Lux et iustitia pari passu ambulant – „Light and justice go hand in hand.”
Fiat iustitia et lux clarescat – „Let justice be done and the light shine.”
Iustitia sine luce veritatis est caeca – „Justice without the light of truth is blind.”
Ubi lux, ibi iustitia – „Where there is light, there is justice.”
About us
The Union of Lawyers of Moldova is a public association recognized nationally and internationally for its activity in the legal field. On the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the Union stands out by organizing events and initiatives aimed at contributing to the development and improvement of the legal system. At the international level, the association has stood out through active participation in specialized conferences and involvement in European projects aimed at harmonizing the legislation of the states in the region.